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Intersting email...
im not the one to read e-mails often but this one.. well its quite a different story... read it at find out yourself.... This is all true. September 7th. The clock is ticking...." Written by Mat
Pentagon attack
Published on May 17, 2006 By
War on Terror
pause it right before the explosion to see the "plane"
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Pentagon attack
on May 17, 2006
Well hard to really see anything, since the plane was reportedly doing 580+mph (thats 838+ feet pers second) and the average cam only takes a few frames a second you won't get a whole lot from an object that should cross the field of vision in less than .75 seconds. But interesting none the less.
Texas Wahine
on May 17, 2006
I don't understand what I'm supposed to be seeing or not seeing.
The plane is there prior to the explosion.
on May 17, 2006
TW, you're supposed to be seeing the plane.
Many people believe that the fifty+ eyewitnesses to the crash were mistaken about what they saw, and that no plane crashed into the Pentagon at all.
It's part of some sketchy and poorly-reasoned conspiracy theory about 9/11, wherein the U.S. government stole five passenger jets full of people, hid them somewhere, killed their passengers, hid the bodies, and then used missiles and/or death rays and/or remote-controlled planes and/or mind control to create the illusion that the planes had actually been crashed into buildings (and the ground in the case of "Flight 93").
Some believe that the release of the Pentagon security footage would debunk this conspiracy theory, but I have some doubts. For one thing, the footage isn't very conclusive except perhaps through expert analysis. For another, most conspiracy theorists are adept at ignoring evidence that contradicts their theory. This footage will undoubtedly be rejected as government fakery, and the expert analysts dismissed as government stooges.
To see the Conspiracy Theorists debate tactics in action, check out http://apollohoax.proboards21.com/index.cgi?board=theories
Dr Guy
on May 17, 2006
TW, you're supposed to be seeing the plane.
Many people believe that the fifty+ eyewitnesses to the crash were mistaken about what they saw, and that no plane crashed into the Pentagon at all.
The Grassy knoll people! yes, that is exactly what you will see. The proof that it was a plane. But now they will just go to another conspiracy - it was a drone and not 77. 77 is in Area 51!
Dr Guy
on May 17, 2006
TW, you're supposed to be seeing the plane.
Many people believe that the fifty+ eyewitnesses to the crash were mistaken about what they saw, and that no plane crashed into the Pentagon at all.
The Grassy knoll people! yes, that is exactly what you will see. The proof that it was a plane. But now they will just go to another conspiracy - it was a drone and not 77. 77 is in Area 51!
on May 17, 2006
With those security cameras it's more like "seconds 'between' frames," not "FPS." The "video" (that's what the press is calling it) is anything but - just a sequence of instantaneous shots spaced a second (or two, maybe) apart. Anything moving at even 300mph let alone 500mph+ would appear as nothing but a blur without one of those high-speed cameras they use to film bullet rotation running continuously
in focus on the object. It's absolutely impossible to use this to prove or refute that the blur we see in this "video" is a plane, a rocket or a Randy Johnson fastball.
The whack jobs will see this as "evidence" that it was not a plane but they will be wrong. It was a plane. It was Flight 77.
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